The 2020 Wole Soyinka International Cultural Exchange Forum Is About to Begin
Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, the annual international cultural exchange forum in 2020 will be held online. The three-day forum will be held under the theme of "I AM BECAUSE YOU ARE". The first day of the forum will start at 12:00 p.m. on July 12, Nigeria time (19:00 Beijing time).
应沃莱·索因卡国际文化交流中心邀请,神墨教育国际顾问Lilly cheng教授与李绵军总校长将参加本次线上论坛,他们将以视频连线的方式与索因卡先生和来自世界各地的文化精英展开对话。论坛中,李绵军总校长将向与会嘉宾介绍中国珠算的文化魅力,并分享自己对于人类文明的思考。
At the invitation of Wole Soyinka International Cultural Exchange Center, Professor Lilly Cheng, International Consultant of Shenmo Education and President Li Mianjun will participate in this online forum. They will connect with cultural elites all over the world by video connection to have an exchange. In the forum, President Li Mianjun will introduce the cultural charm of Chinese abacus to the guests and share his thoughts on human civilization.
About "WSICE"
The WSICE is an International Cultural Exchange Program designed for the purpose of using the platforms of Literature, Arts and Culture to affirm and uphold the dignity of man. Focusing on the youths as the future of humanity, the ICE seeks to foster unity among mankind regardless of nationality, ethnicity and religion.